What is Modern Square Dancing?

Square Dancing is moving in patterns to music with groups of four couples.

These eight people form a square with two people on each side. Two couples face each other up and down the hall and the other two face each other across the hall.
Although the formation changes throughout the dance, it always starts and finishes in this ‘square’ formation

Modern Square Dancing can be done to any type of music, from classic rock, country, easy listening, ballads, disco and current hits. The music just needs a regular beat at roughly 125 beats per minute.

In Modern Square Dancing there is no set pattern for a dance. The dancers learn a number of moves which the Caller then puts together to form a dance. 
The caller ‘calls’ out these moves and the dancers respond to the calls. Part of the fun is not knowing which moves will be called next.

Moving in rhythm to the music keeps you physically fit. Reacting to the Caller’s calls keeps you on your toes mentally, as your team of eight dancers work together to complete the dance.

It is a great relaxer to help combat the pressures and tensions of our busy lives with a great social, fun and friendly atmosphere.

Learning the square dance steps is easy, as experienced square dance callers teach you the moves and the names of the calls that you dance. Dancers that have already leaned those movements also join in as part of your team of eight to help out. The moves are practised until they become as natural as walking.

The square dance caller combines the basic steps and moves into whole dance patterns. Each arm turn brings a surprise and as the pattern concludes you should be back to your partner.

There are no competitions and no trophies. Modern Square Dancing is all about dancing, fun and enjoyment for all.

In Australia, a National Convention is held every year and most States hold an annual State Convention. These conventions are an opportunity for all square dancers in Australia to get together to enjoy the social and fun aspects of modern square dancing.

If you like to travel, Modern Square Dancing is popular around the world. You will find square dance clubs in most countries including New Zealand, England, America, Canada and even non English speaking countries such as Japan, Sweden and Germany. Where ever you go, all calls will be in English.

Square Dance learner classes are open from ages eight to active eighties. It is low cost, great social fun and exercise for families, couples and singles.


Videos of Modern Square Dancing

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