Guest Caller weekend with James Reid

Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of August was a fantastic weekend of dancing at our hall at 89 Targo St in Bundaberg. It was amazing to have up to three squares on the floor on Saturday afternoon for the Plus session. We had a large group visiting from Hervey Bay Square Dance Club and a couple from South Australia. 

The Bundaberg Regional Council Community Micro Grant Program provided $1000 to Cane Country Squares for our local dance weekend with James Reid as our guest caller. 

James Reid has a wonderful voice and also treated us to a number of songs in the supper break on Saturday night. Sandy was very excited to hear James sing the Gambler which is one of her most requested favourites.

Saturday and Sunday afternoons had a rolling supper. Saturday night had a more traditional supper break with raffles, lucky door and lucky spot prizes being drawn.

Dancing to a different caller is always an entertaining challenge with an unfamiliar voice to tune into and new choreography. It also gives our club caller, Matthew Mills an opportunity to dance. At some point on Saturday night, Matt had an L plate pinned to his shirt as a joke about how rare it is to see him in a square.

Saturday night was the first time some of our SSD level have had a chance to dance to a caller other than Matt. Another first for some, was experiencing a large group from another club dancing together with us. Everyone dressed up for the event, most in the traditional square dance style including our new dancers.

One couple has been inspired to continue through the Mainstream program as quickly as possible to be able to go away to even larger events, where Mainstream is the minimum level offered.

Sunday afternoon was a second chance for the SSD and Mainstream dancers to hear James Reid call. Sunday always has a more casual dress option with dancers from out of town leaving for home straight after the dance.

It was excellent to have so many stay for the Sunday dance, easily making two squares for the entire two hour session.

As always, James Reid did not disappoint and fully entertained us for the entire weekend. James kept us on our toes with his wonderful voice and fun and challenging choreography, often getting cheers from the squares at the conclusion of each dance.

Check out our 2024 photo gallery for more of the weekend. Videos of the weekend will be added to the 2024 Events video library links to our YouTube channel.

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